With the cooperation of our experienced bakers, « Steaming goods in words» is the sensory glossary for steamed breads you can refer to…
With « Pizza in words », you can now take advantage of a comprehensive sensory glossary for pizza…
With “Le Pain in words” you can now take advantage of a comprehensive sensory glossary for crusty bread…
On the occasion of the VIIth International Symposium of sourdoughs, Lesaffre presents his results of works on various topics of studies on sourdoughs…
The technical sophistication of the croissant, and its history, make it a product of extraordinarily rich organoleptic…
Lesaffre, in collaboration with U.S. Wheat Associates, has developed a glossary dedicated to the sandwich loaf…
Today, making tasty bread is an art cultivated by widely varying means. These include yeasts and sourdoughs…
[Chinese Version] Today, making tasty bread is an art cultivated by widely varying means. These include yeasts and sourdoughs…
蒸制品用语手册» 是乐斯福集团所建立的一本关于蒸制品感官用语的手册,这是与我们经验丰富的师傅们的共同努力的成果。