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As a Sponsor of the VIIth International Sourdough Symposium in Cork (Ireland) 6-8 June, 2018, Lesaffre has released the results of different topics on Sourdough studies.
The VIIth International Sourdough Symposium in Cork (Ireland) 6-8 June, 2018 is the opportunity to bring experts from universities, research institutes and companies interested in sourdough technology, functionalities and the health aspects of cereal fermentations, in order to discuss and present the latest research topics and developments in this field.
Different works have been conducted by Lesaffre experts and technical results are displayed on posters : Consumers’ appreciation analysis, scalded hydrolysed flour, children global vision on sourdough, predictive model on acidity and gazing power, using sourdough to reduce salt in bread, combine yeasts, bacteria and flours to create new tastes.